If you are having this error with an Excel file saved in SharePoint Online being stuck at “Performing Cleanup” when closing the file, this fix might help you. Also, the file is somehow cached locally and does not update with the current online version of the file. Onedrive reset also does not help.
This Monday, 13th of January 2025 was a bad day for sysadmins. Outlook and other Microsoft 365 / Office Apps would crash upon start because of a new update pushed by Microsoft. The message says something about react-navis-win32.dll missing. The only fix is to install the December 2024 Updates to fix the issue.
This configuration XML File install the December 2024 updates. Beware: This configuration is for Windows Server 2016 RDS and note that automatic updates are disabled.
If you want to publish your Web App to the internet, you ideally should not directly NAT port 443 (or you custom HTTPS port) to you internal server. Instead, there should be a Reverse Proxy in a DMZ that accepts requests and then routes them to the internal server. You need to configure a Reverse Proxy with nginx or IIS.
Here is how you can do it with IIS.
Install IIS Role in Server Manager (Add Roles and Features > Web Server (IIS)
Download and install URL Rewrite and Application Request Routing (ARR)
These 3 registry keys will help you block the rollout of Outlook NEW which is like a lot of Microsoft products a half baked solution that is being pushed by force to push something new.
This key hides the “Try new Outlook” toggle in the top right:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General name HideNewOutlookToggle type REG_DWORD data 0x1 (1)
These key disables migration to new Outlook:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General name DoNewOutlookAutoMigration type REG_DWORD data 0x0 (0)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\preferences name NewOutlookMigrationUserSetting type REG_DWORD data 0x0 (0)
If OneDrive and Microsoft 365 credentials are not being saved in your FSLogix deployment (Azure Virtual Desktop, Citrix etc.) this registry key might help you. There is also a corresponding GPO that does the same.